Terms and Conditions for preauthorisation

payment for automatic key reorder







These contractual terms govern the use of the Remtech Auto Solutions Incsupport system. It is important for each user (the "User") to carefully read and accept said terms before submitting a signed registration form or checking the acceptance box during the online registration on the website remtechauto.com. If Remtech Auto Solutions Incaccepts your application, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions listed below and by any other document to which these terms and conditions refer for the use of the Remtech Auto Solutions Incsystems.




1.0 Scope

    1. The User desires to open a client-account, and Remtech Auto Solutions Inc undertakes to administrate the client-account, thus allowing the payment of the access key rates, the administration fees, the recovery fees and the interest, if any, resulting from any support provide by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc.
    2. To do so, the User has completed and signed the registration form, in paper copy or online, which form an integral part of these terms and conditions
    3. The opening of the client-account entitles the User to obtain access key, which is associated with a User's client-account under its registration number, all in the manner provided herein.

2.0 Client-account

    1. The client-account allows the User to access, from the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website (see address in section 10.1 hereof), his personal information in connection with the fees and interest resulting from support request.
    2. Access to the client-account is done by means of a username and password. At the opening of the client-account, the User obtains his username as well as a temporary password, which he can change online or in person at the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Customer Service Center.
    3. The User may consult, during a session on his client-account, at least the following elements: the present terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer the prepaid balance of the client-account, the minimum of access key and the statements of account.
    4. The User connected to his client-account may perform at least the following transactions: changing of the password, manual replenishment of his prepaid balance, if he selected this option, as well as the update of his personal information, which constitutes a modification notice of the terms and conditions (refer to section 6.2.1 hereof).
    5. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc also provides a telephone service for the administration of the client-account. The User may contact an agent of Customer Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Service Center for any question using the contact details provided on the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website (see address in section 10.1 hereof) or on the registration form.

3.0 Payments

    1. The User authorizes Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to withdraw any access key related to support fees from the balance of his client-account without prior notice. These fees include the support rates, administration fees, recovery fees and interest, if any.
    2. Support rates are calculated based on the number of initial minimum access key per services plus one (1) access key every 10 minutes of extra support provided.
    3. The User authorizes Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to keep his personal credit card information, if applicable, from the acceptance of the registration form by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc until the closing of the client-account.
    4. The client-account must constantly show a higher balance than the Insufficient Balance indicated in the registration form in order to permit the payment of support fees. To do so, the User agrees to pay the support fees by prepayment mode with automatic access key replenishment.
    5. Prepayment mode with automatic replenishment.
      1. The User authorizes Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to charge to the credit card listed in the registration form the amount of the initial prepaid balance as well as the Automatic Replenishment Amount indicated in the registration form, without prior notice.
      2. The initial prepaid balance will be immediately credited to the client-account of the User, and charged to his credit card, at the opening of the client-account.
      3. Whenever the balance of the client-account reaches the Low Balance indicated in the registration form, it automatically renews itself of the Automatic Replenishment Amount indicated in the registration form, subject to the approval of the User’s credit card. This amount will be credited to the client-account, and charged to the credit card.
      4. The User authorizes Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to analyze the activity of his client-account. If the Automatic Replenishment Amount indicated in the registration form is not sufficient to ensure the average monthly payment of support key rates schedule then in effect, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc may propose to the User to modify the Automatic Replenishment Amount indicated in the registration form so that a single monthly replenishment is required. The User is free to accept or reject this proposal to modify the terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, without penalty, this proposal having the sole purpose of simplifying the obligations of the User by requiring a single monthly payment on his credit card for all support rates, administration fees, recovery fees and interest, if any, arising from these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer.
      5. The User authorizes Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to charge to the credit card listed in the registration form the amount of the initial prepaid balance. It will be immediately credited to the client-account of the User, and charged to his credit card, at the opening of the client-account.
      6. If it appears that the balance of the client-account is equal to or less than the Insufficient Balance indicated on the registration form when support is request, the User will not be able to use Remtech Auto Solutions Inc support unless he pays the minimum of 40 access key.
      7. Failure to pay the automatic recharge fees, including administration fees or any other fees that may be payable under the present terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, can lead to the closing of the client-account. If the User fails to make the replenishment payment so that the balance of the client-account is equal to or less than the Insufficient Balance provided in the registration form, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will continue to withdraw the administration fees provided in the monthly support fee schedule in effect, if necessary, until the balance of the client-account is nil. The client-account will then be closed automatically and the contractual agreement provided in these terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, will be automatically terminated and a notice will be sent to the User by the preferred means of communication under section 6.1 hereof. In the event that the balance of the client-account becomes debtor, then the recovery fees provided in the support fee schedule may apply, when applicable.
    6. The User shall at all times ensure that payments by credit card can be made. If a payment is refused by the issuing financial institution of said cards, the User will be required to pay administration fees and interest until the payment is validly made, in accordance with the support fee schedule in effect. If the payment cannot be made validly, then the terms of hereof shall apply.
    7. The prepaid credit balance of the client-account does not bear interest.
    8. All amounts referred to in these terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, are in Canadian dollars.

4.0 Indexation and adjustment

    1. Toll support rates, administration fees and recovery fees provided herein are indexed automatically following Canadian /U.S dollar. In addition, the toll rates are adjusted, upward or downward, as appropriate depending on the rates of the manufacturers access fees. The User will be notified of any indexation and any adjustment to manufacturers access rates, administration fees and recovery fees at least thirty (30) days before the entry into force of the new rates and fees as set out in section 7.1 hereof..

5.0 Statements of account

    1. A statement of account is generated by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc each month following the opening date of the client-account. The User chooses, by indicating it in the registration form, the preferred means of communication: online or by regular mail.
    2. If the User chooses the online option, the statement of account will be made available monthly at its date of issuance during a logon on the client-account. To do so, the User will receive an email at the email address associated with his client-account advising him that his statement of account is available for online consultation during a logon on the client-account. All statements of account will be kept online in the client-account and available for free consultation.
    3. The User undertakes to verify the statements of account issued and to contact the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Customer Service Center for any inquiry or question.
    4. For any irregularity observed, the User shall send its claim by regular mail or email, to the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Customer Service Center, in accordance with the terms set out in section 10.1 hereof. This claim must be received by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc within thirty (30) days of the date specified in the statement of account in which the irregularity was raised. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will conduct an internal investigation and undertakes to report its findings to the User within a reasonable time frame. If it is found that there were irregularities in the User’s file, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will credit the amounts received without fundament to the balance of the client-account, if any.

6.0 Modification

    1. Modification by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc
      1. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc reserves its rights to modify unilaterally the support and access key rates, administration fees, recovery fees and utilization conditions, all in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
      2. Should there be any modification, a written notice will be sent to the User at least thirty (30) days before the entry into force of said modification, to inform him of the nature of such modification by comparing the amended provision to its earlier version, as well as its date of entry into force, and the rights of the User provided in section 7.1.3
      3. The User has a period of thirty (30) days as of the day he receives the notice to accept or reject said modification. If he refuses, the client-account will be closed and this contractual agreement will be resolved without charge at the date of receipt by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc of the notice of refusal sent by the User to Remtech Auto Solutions Inc . The User has a period of thirty (30) days of the entry into force of the modification to achieve his notice of refusal to Remtech Auto Solutions Inc ; after this period, the modification shall be deemed accepted and the contractual agreement provided in these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, will continue with the modification entered into force.
      4. If the contractual agreement provided in these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, is resolved, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will reimburse the User, within fifteen (15) days, of any amounts prepaid by the latter less all amounts which are due to or payable to Remtech Auto Solutions Inc by the User at the time of resolution of the contractual agreement.
    2. Modification by the User.
      1. The User agrees to notify Remtech Auto Solutions Inc in writing of any change to his personal information, which has the effect of modifying the registration form. The User must send his notice of modification or update his personal information on the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website (see address in section 10.1 hereof) not later than ten (10) days of becoming aware of said change.
      2. Subject to the possibility that the User’s modification request may present an irregularity, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will automatically proceed to the modification. The registration form, as amended, and the terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, will be available online when the User accesses his client-account.
      3. The User undertakes to carefully verify the statement of account following a notice of modification to ensure that its provisions are consistent with the modification. If he finds an irregularity, the User must immediately contact Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Customer Service Center in accordance with the terms set out in section 10.1 hereof.

7.0 Termination

    1. The User may at any time close his client-account. The effective date of termination will then be the date of receipt of the termination notice by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc or any later date specified in the notice.
    2. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc retains the right to close unilaterally a User client-account if the User has failed to observe any of its obligations under these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer. The termination will take effect from the date of receipt of the termination notice by the User or any other date specified in the notice.
    3. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc also retains the right to close unilaterally a User client-account at any time if Remtech Auto Solutions Inc learns that the User has provided false or fraudulent information.
    4. In the event of termination, by either Remtech Auto Solutions Inc or by the User, the client-account balance will be refunded to the User, subject to the remaining sums due or payable by the User to Remtech Auto Solutions Inc at the date of termination and sections 7.5 and 7.6 hereof.
    5. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will not make any reimbursement for any balance less than the Minimum Balance indicated in the registration form, except in the case of an annulment of the contractual agreement provided in these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, in which case the balance of the client-account, as determined under section 7.4 hereof, will be reimbursed even if it is less than the Minimum Balance.
    6. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will not make any reimbursement for any amount credited to the client-account in connection with promotional offers, if applicable.
    7. The User remains liable for amounts due upon closing the client-account, as well as the interest that will continue to accrue are said closing, if applicable.

8.0 Confidentiality

    1. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc agrees to comply with the Act respecting the Protection of personal information in the private sector, RSQ, c P-39.1. To this end, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc agrees to the following terms:
      1. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc only collects personal information necessary for the opening and maintenance of the client-account.
      2. Any information, in any form whatsoever, about an individual, enabling to identify him, is considered personal information.
      3. Personal information collected by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is intended to allow the opening or maintenance of a client-account.
      4. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will only use such personal information for purposes of administering the client-account, and to ensure the effectiveness of the system.
      5. Only employees designated by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc , equipped with the necessary permission to use personal information in the course of their duties, will have access to the personal information held by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc .
      6. Remtech Auto Solutions Inc takes reasonable and appropriate precautions to protect personal information, regarding their conservation as well as their destruction, when applicable.
      7. Personal information contained in these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, are confidential and will not be disclosed in any way by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to third parties, except in the measures provided for by law or with the express written consent of the User.
      8. The refusal of the User to provide personal information may have the effect of making it impossible for Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to ensure the present administration service of the client-account. Thus, the User refusing to disclose certain personal information may see his request for opening a client-account denied, or his contractual agreement under these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, terminated. The objective of the aforementioned is to allow Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to fulfill its obligations hereunder.

9.0 Jurisdiction

    1. These terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, are governed by the laws and regulations of Québec, and the parties agree to submit any claim hereunder to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Montréal, Québec.

10.0 Contact

    1. The User may contact the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Customer Service Center at any time using the contact details on the website remtechauto.com or on the registration form.

11.0 Notice

    1. Any notice which these terms and conditions, including the documents to which they refer, refer to must be made in writing, unless otherwise stated.
    2. Notice sent by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc
      1. Any notice of Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is deemed to have been duly given if sent to the User, either to his postal or email address indicated in the registration form, as amended from time to time.
      2. Any notice sent by email shall be deemed given on the day of its electronic transmission.
    3. Notice sent by the User
      1. Any notice sent by the User is deemed to have been duly given if sent to Remtech Auto Solutions Inc either at its postal or email address indicated in section hereof, or if the update of the personal information has been made through the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website (see address in section 10.1 hereof).
      2. Any notice sent by email or updated on the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website is deemed given on the day of its electronic transmission.
      3. Any postal notice shall be deemed given the second business day following its mailing.
      4. Any notice given by the User must be signed by the client-account holder or by his representative, when applicable.

12.0 Nullity

    1. Each provision of these terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, is interpreted separately and the nullity or unenforceability of one of them does not affect the validity or enforceability of any remaining provisions.

13.0 Contextualization and documents incorporated by reference.

    1. The contextualization and all documents to which these terms and conditions refer form an integral part of said terms and conditions.
    2. Any notice sent by email or updated on the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website is deemed given on the day of its electronic transmission.
    3. Any postal notice shall be deemed given the second business day following its mailing.
    4. Any notice given by the User must be signed by the client-account holder or by his representative, when applicable.

14.0 Copy of contractual documents

    1. The User can access these terms and conditions, including all documents to which they refer, by accessing his client-account online on the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website (see address in section 10.1 hereof). The User may also ask to receive, within fifteen (15) days of his request to the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Customer Service Center, a paper copy of these terms and condition, including the documents to which they refer.