Terms and Conditions

for Remtech Auto Solutions Inc support service


1. - For Maxisys kit or LaunchPad kit, by accepting the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc terms and condition you are also accepting the Autel or the Launch Tech USA terms of use and disclaimers that you can see at this link:




2. - The User agrees to the following conditions:

check01 Not to disclose their username and password;

check01 To assume the costs of Internet connectivity, costs to resolve problems related to internet connectivity, and compromised network passwords;

check01 To ensure that the speed of the Wi-Fi/Local Area network is sufficient to allow Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to efficiently provide support;

check01 The repair of physical damage, or software damage to the equipment incurred through the use of the Internet (virus, malware, spyware, Trojan Horses, etc.…) is not the responsibility of Remtech Auto Solutions Inc;

check01Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is committed to provide a satisfactory technical assistance and measurement of user requirements, but assumes no responsibility for delays, delays or cancellation of services;

check01Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is not responsible for the security of any online transactions performed with this equipment, or via the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website;

check01 For MaxiSys kit or LaunchPad kit, if the Garage do not spend 2 access keys for support per month, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will remove up to 2 access keys per month from your account to perform maintenance/management of the system;

check01 For J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit, if the Garage do not spend 4 access keys for support per month, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will remove up to 4 access keys per month from your account to perform maintenance/management of the system;

check01 For J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit & Maxisys  Combo kit or J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit & LaunchPad Combo kit, if the Garage does not spent at least 4 access keys for support per month, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc will remove up to 4 access keys per month from your account to perform maintenance/management of the system;

check01 If an account is at 0 access keys, the customer will buy access keys and pay the maintenance/system management fees according to the number of months the account was at 0 access keys. The number of access keys removed will depend upon the services/equipment purchased from Remtech Auto Solutions Inc plus a fee of 4 access keys;

check01 If an account is at 0 access keys, the account will be disabled. This means that the customer will not have access to any Remtech Auto Solutions Inc services or support normally provided with Remtech Auto Solutions Inc equipment;

dot-15 If customers want to reactivate their account they may do so by paying a fee of $ 100 payable to Remtech Auto Solutions Inc;

dot-15 In addition, as indicated above the customer will be back charged the appropriate number of access keys for maintenance/system management according to the number of months he/she have not used their account plus a 4 access key penalty.
For example: 3 months of inactivity for a J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit account = 12 access keys will be removed plus the 4 access keys, penalty = 16 access keys in total;

dot-15 Finally, the client who wants to reactivate his account will also have to buy a minimum of 40 access keys and notify Remtech Auto Solutions Inc via email that they have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions” before their account will be re-activated;


3. - Limitation of Liability:

check01 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc assumes no liability for any direct, indirect or abnormal monetary or informational loss as a result of misuse or illegal internet service usage or e-commerce;

check01Remtech Auto Solutions Inc shall defend itself against any action that defames or attacks its reputation;

check01Remtech Auto Solutions Inc takes no responsibility on the programs installed, saved, or deleted on the device and can discontinue service at any time if it determines inappropriate use of the equipment or software;

check01 For any legal action, Remtech Auto Solutions Inc at no time will pay for the legal fees of the plaintiff for any loss, damage or liability resulting from technical assistance;

check01Remtech Auto Solutions Inc may at any time stop providing its service via the internet, and shall not be responsible for ensuring that the service is available to the user via an alternate provider; 


4. - The user may at any time:

dot-15 Cancel service with Remtech Auto Solutions Inc;

dot-15 Ask Remtech Auto Solutions Inc to cancel his service, and delete personal information;

dot-15 After stopping the service the user’s rights are revoked indefinitely;


5. - All website content, processes, licenses, configurations, and Remtech Auto Solutions Inc online services including:

check01 Text, programs, audio, video, charts, email announcements or other information provided by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc are protected by copyright, trademark, registered, or are privately owned;

check01 Users authorized by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc may use the contents of the above mentioned items provided they are used in the appropriate manner;

check01 No information may be copied or reproduced in any form, in whole or in part without the written consent of Remtech Auto Solutions Inc;


6. - Service contract with Remtech Auto Solutions Inc:

check01 I have received the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc MaxiSys kit or Launchpad kit or J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit equipment ;

check01 I have received the information regarding the website, and understand how to utilize the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc website;

check01 I understand that using the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc MaxiSys kit or Launchpad kit or J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit equipment for purposes other than for the services provided by Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is at my own risk and may compromise and/or damage the system and/or damage the vehicle;

check01 I understand that Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is not responsible for any mechanical problems which may occur before, during, or after any support session, or while using the MaxiSys kit or Launchpad kit or J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit equipment, and that I assume all responsibility for utilizing any technical or mechanical information, or mechanical assistance obtained via the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc forum, or obtained during a technical/mechanical support request through Remtech Auto Solutions Inc web page;

check01 I understand that the Remtech Auto Solutions Inc IT support is limited to the management of the access to the various manufacturer(s) reprogramming software packages, and basic support of the MaxiSys kit or Launchpad kit or J2534 Remtech Auto Solutions Inc Reprogramming kit which contains the software;

check01 I understand that the number of key removal monthly for maintenance/management system of Remtech Auto Solutions Inc is subject to change without notice;

check01 I understand that the price of the system, software and access keys of Remtech Auto Solutions Inc are subject to change without notice;